Early Italian Swept Hilt Rapier, ca. 1570


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This type hilt, classified by A.V.B. Norman in “The Rapier and Small-sword, 1480-1820″ as
a Type 74, first appeared around 1545. It features a large pas d’ane with small side ring
at the lower junction on the obverse and a pair of sweeping bars on the reverse which join
the knuckle bow. A larger side ring runs diagonally from the left side of the quillon block to
the base of the pas d’ane on the right side. Another bar extends from the right side of the
quillon block up to the top of the knuckle bow. The quillons are straight and this example
features acorn finials. At the center of the three obverse guard bars is a ball-shaped knob
with a matching knob in the center of the knuckle bow. The knuckle bow abruptly bends
away from the pommel and features an acorn finial to match the quillons. Inverted fig-
shaped pommel of Norman Type 58 without button. The original grip is wrapped with
several styles and sizes of twisted iron wire (very minor imperfections) and finished with
Turks heads top and bottom. Unmarked 41 1/4″ diamond-section blade with long flat
ricasso featuring triple flutes on each side, smooth with small patches of minor corrosion
toward the tip and showing lamination. Overall length 47 ½”. Very similar example
illustrated in Leslie Southwick’s 1982 “The Price Guide to Antique Edged Weapons”,
Fig. 65, page 36.