Extraordinarily Long Hungarian Estoc with Scabbard, 2nd Half 17th Century


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Iron hilt of typical Eastern European style with straight tapering cross guard and long
double langets. Original grip wrapped with cord and leather with bend at the end where it
is fitted with a capstan pommel with diamond-shaped button. Stiff slender 49 ½” thrusting
blade of hollow-ground triangular section, with pitting and dark patination. Expertly
restored wood scabbard covered with pebbled leather and fitted with plain iron mounts
comprising two bands with double carry rings and long reinforced drag; the wood and
leather of the throat recessed for the hilt langets. Overall length 54 3/4″, not including
scabbard. Carried strapped to a rider’s saddle, these long estocs were a popular weapon
of Polish-Hungarian hussars in the wars against the Ottoman Turks which could take
down an armored opponent. Similar examples found in the Landeszeughaus Graz.